CBSE 10th Exam 2024 English

CBSE 10th Exam 2024 : English Important Subjective Question for Last-Minute Revision

As the CBSE Class 10 English exam is approaching, it is time to gear up and focus on important last-minute preparations. English holds importance in the CBSE Class 10 syllabus.

So this article is to help you ace those “First Flight” Subjective Questions with quick and effective last-minute revision.

Subjective Questions are an important part of your English exam to score good marks. Mastering them can boost your confidence and lead to important scores.

These selected Subjective Questions cover the main themes and messages of the chapters of “First Flight”. Students are encouraged to attempt these questions as part of their last-minute revision strategy. By understanding and practicing these Subjective Questions, students can boost their confidence and performance in the upcoming CBSE 10th English exam.

Literature Questions

Q1. Why do you think Lencho from ‘A Letter to God’ is able to predict the forthcoming rainfall even before the clouds appear ? Answer in 20-30 words.

Ans. Lencho is able to predict the forthcoming rainfall as he is a farmer and his livelihood depends on the weather. He is in touch with nature and can read its signs well. 

Q2. In 20-30 words, compare the theme of the poem ‘Fire and Ice’ with the poet’s tone. 

Ans. The theme of the poem is that of destruction and the end of the world, which is a grim subject. The tone of the poem however, does not reflect this seriousness and is conversational and assertive. 

Q3. In the poem ‘Fire and Ice’, which literary device are fire and ice examples of ? In 40-50 words, explain why the poet uses them.

Ans.  In the poem, fire and ice are examples of symbolism. The poet uses them as they paint a vivid picture of destruction in our minds. We can easily imagine humanity being destroyed by raging fires as well as extreme winters. The symbols help the poet to create a lasting impression of emotions like desire and hate which are difficult to visualise by themselves. 

Q4. In 30-40 words, describe the mood of ‘His First Flight’ towards the end of the chapter. Support the answer with an example from the text.

Ans.When the young seagull finally takes his first flight, the mood is one of celebration. The seagull’s family stops threatening him and instead praise him for his first flight by giving him scraps of food and shouting with happiness. 

Q5. His father and mother had come around calling to him shrilly, upbraiding him, threatening to let him starve on his ledge unless he flew away. In the above line from ‘His First Flight,· do you think the seagull’s parents took the right approach to make him fly ? In 100-120 words, justify your stance with two reasons.

Ans. No, I believe that their approach was incorrect because they let their anger take the decision for how to teach the young seagull. This might have made him feel abandoned and unsupported. The parents should have accepted his fear instead of threatening him and let his siblings tease him for it. Rather, they taunted him with his cowardice and isolated him. This added to his fear which affected his confidence and discouraged him. He quietly hid inside the little hole under the ledge. This made him feel that he would never be able to fly like his brothers and sister.

Q6. I was very happy to go behind the strange aeroplane like an obedient child. In 20-30 words, explain why the narrator said the above line in the story ‘The Black Aeroplane’. 

Ans. The narrator’s aeroplane’s systems started malfunctioning inside the storm clouds. So, when the pilot of the black plane signalled to him, he was happy to follow because he had no other way out.

Q7. The pilot in the black aeroplane was an illusion created by the narrator’s own mind. Justify the above opinion with reference to the story ‘The Black Aeroplane’. In 100-120 words, mention two reasons why you think the narrator’s mind may have played this trick. 

Ans. When the narrator landed at the airport, he went to the woman in the control tower to ask for the other pilot. He was told that there was no other flight in the area apart from the one in which he came. Moreover, the other airplane itself did not have any lights on it’s wings and seemed to mysteriously appear beside him. 

Q8. In 20-30 words, describe your reaction if you were to come across one of the animals in ‘How to Tell Wild Animals’ in real life ? 

Ans. If, I were to come across the lion, I would be excited to see them from a safe distance because it is hard to find wild animals in the city. 

Q9. In 40-50 words, mention two of your favourite animals from ‘How to Tell Wild Animals’ with a reason supporting each choice.

Ans. Two of my favourite animals from the poem are the Chameleon and the Asian Lion. The Chameleon’s ability to camouflage itself and attain a colour similar to its background, fascinates me. Moreover, the Lion’s mighty roar and tawny coat make it one of my favourites. 

Q10. If you were to compare the animals from the poem ‘How to Tell Wild Animals’ to people, what personalities would these people have? Pick any two animals from the poem and describe their human counterparts in 100-120 words. 

Ans. The leopard can be a parallel for someone who will cause harm. Just like a leopard will not stop attacking even after one cries for help, a person with such leopard-like tendencies will possibly cause more damage than good. They will try to hurt others around them and cause pain. Further, an animal like a hyena may be a metaphor for a person who pretends to harbour good intent and ‘smile’ on the outside. However, like the hyena, they may prey on others and use them for their gain. Innocent people may not be able to sense their duplicity and may fall prey to their underhanded ways. 

Q11. He senses first responsibility in a world of possessions, In the above lines from The Ball Poem’, what does the poet mean when he says that
the boy senses ‘first responsibility’ after losing the ball ? Answer in 20-30 words. 

Ans. The boy learns that he must be responsible for the things that he owns as they can be lost or taken away from him easily. 

Q12. What is the boy’s loss of his ball used as a metaphor for in The Ball Poem’ ? Support your answer with one point of evidence from the poem in 40-50 words. 

Ans. The boy’s loss of his ball has been used as a metaphor for the painful transition into adulthood. The poet states that the child is learning about the nature of loss that he will have to deal with at many points in life. 

Q13. Identify and explain the literary devices in this poem.

What is the boy now, who has lost his ball,

What, what is he to do? I saw it go

Merrily bouncing, down the street, and then

Merrily over – there it is in the water …

In the above lines from ‘The Ball Poem’, the poet uses imagery and repetition. In 100 words, identify both these literary devices and the effect of each one on the reader.

Ans. The poet uses repetition in the poem, emphasising ‘what’ thrice in the first two sentences. This helps him draw attention to the boy’s loss and the feelings of anger and sadness this has caused. On a deeper level, repetition helps him show the loss of purpose and emptiness which accompanies loss in life. He uses repetition in the word ‘merrily’ which helps highlight the ball’s movement, ‘bouncing, down the street.’ This allows an emphasis on the sudden nature of loss which happens when one least expects it. Thus, the literary devices enable the poet to highlight the seriousness of loss. He also explores the nature and impact of loss through these devices. 

Q14. Who would Anne consider a real friend based on ‘The Diary of Anne Frank’ ? Describe in 20-30 words. 

Ans. Anne would call someone a real friend if she could share whatever is in her heart and confide in him or her. She would be able to get very close to such a person. 

Q15. How does Anne Frank’s writing engage readers? Comment on any one aspect with evidence from ‘The Diary of Anne Frank’ in 40-50 words. 

Ans. I think Anne Frank’s writing engages readers because it is easy for readers to understand her story. For instance, before she starts her first entry, she gives a brief sketch of her life. This background information helps the reader to understand her context. 

Q16. In ‘The Diary of Anne Frank’, how does Anne Frank feel about Mr Keesing’s essay assignments and what is her purpose for writing them? Describe what this tells us about her in 100-1 20 words.  

Ans. Anne takes Mr Keesing’s essay assignments as a challenge. She thinks Mr Keesing is either trying to teach her a lesson or make fun of her by doing so. Therefore, for the first essay, her purpose is to convince Mr Keesing of the importance of talking and why it is impossible for her to talk less. For her third essay, she tries to be inventive and composes a poem to humour Mr Keesing. Both these incidents show us that Anne is a creative person who takes challenges in her stride. After the submission of all her essays, she is also successful in being permitted to talk in class. This also shows that she is a good writer.

Q17. Peggy has her way of ‘having fun’ with Wanda in the school yard but she also appreciates Wanda’s talent while not being declared the winner herself. How would you describe Peggy’s character? In 40-50 words, support your answer with evidence from ‘The Hundred Dresses-I’. 

Ans. I think Peggy comes across as selfish. When she bullies Wanda, she does not consider the impact her actions could have on Wanda and thinks it is ok. At the same time, she is also an honest person who is able to appreciate Wanda’s work as a budding artist.  

Q18. There was one boy named Bounce, Willie Bounce, and people thought that was funny, but not funny in the same way that Petronski was. How was Wanda’s surname ‘funny’ ? What happened to Wanda because of her ‘funny’ surname ? Answer in 40-50 words with reference to ‘The Hundred Dresses-I’. 

Ans. The name Petronski indicates that Wanda is a Polish immigrant. The other American students in her school made fun of the name and used it to bully Wanda when the teacher was not supervising the students, such as outside the classroom.

Q19. State two ways in which Wanda’s seating position is different from Peggy a seating positions. What kind of a student gets to occupy the front seats ? 120 words with reference to ‘The Hundred Dresses-I’.  

Ans. Wanda sits at the back of the classroom, the place where the ‘rough boys’, who are shown as ill-mannered people, sit. It is also the place where people with muddy feet and poor grades sit. Peggy and Maddie, on the other hand, sit at the front which is where the students who get good marks and have clean shoes sit. The story indicates that students who can afford to look presentable, travel to school safely, i.e. students who are rich, and are academically bright usually sit in the front seats.

Q20. In ‘The Hundred Dresses-II’, whose behaviour do you think was worse : Peggy’s teasing or Maddie’s silence ? Answer with a reason in 40-50 words. 

Ans. I think Maddie’s behaviour was worse than Peggy’s because she related with Wanda and could tell that she would feel humiliated by Peggy’s questions. Maddie knew how Wanda might be feeling and did not do anything to stop it. 

Q21. Imagine you are Wanda from ‘The Hundred Dresses-II’. You feel bullied and humiliated by Peggy’s behaviour. In 40-50 words, describe any two steps you would take to deal with bullying effectively. 

Ans. As Wanda, I would talk to one of my teachers in school, someone I trust, and inform him/her of the situation so that they can stop bullying from happening in school. I would also tell a close friend so he/she can make me feel safe and comforted. 

Q22. She had a very sick feeling in the bottom of her stomach. Identify Maddie’s emotion in the above line from ‘The Hundred Dresses-II’. Why did she feel this way after Miss Mason read the letter to the students ? Answer in 40-50 words. 

Ans. Maddie had a sick feeling because she felt guilty. She thought about how Wanda might have felt because of Peggy’s teasing, but did not try to stop it. She thought her silence was as bad as Peggy’s bullying. 

Q23. Do you think Maddie’s and Peggy’s reasons for wanting to visit Wanda in Boggins Heights were different ? In 40-50 words, justify your stance with a reason from ‘The Hundred Dresses-II’. 

Ans. I think their reasons for visiting Wanda were different. Maddie wanted to go because she wanted to make amends with Wanda. Peggy wanted to see if Wanda had indeed left because of how they treated her. Maddie wanted to apologise, whereas Peggy wanted to confirm that she did not do anything wrong.

Q24. In 20-30 words, explain what the poet of ‘Animals’ means when he says that humans kneel to their own kind from thousands of years ago. 

Ans. ‘Kneeling to their own kind’ refers to religion and worship. Many human beings practice the worship of saints and sages who lived thousands of years ago and gained followers by leading extraordinary, virtuous lives. 

Q25. I wonder where they get those tokens, Did I pass that way huge times ago and negligently drop them ? In 40-50 words, explain the metaphor in the above lines from the poem ‘Animals’. 

Ans. ‘ Tokens’ refers to qualities like simplicity, innocence and satisfaction that humans once had but now, only animals do. The poet wonders if he was a part of their world a long time ago and has lost these traits during the course of evolution.

Q26. In the poem ‘Animals’, what qualities of animals fascinate the poet ? Why does he say that he wants to ‘turn and live’ with them ? Explain in 40-50 words. 

Ans. Animals are calm and are not generally upset by day to day happenings. They are happy with what they have and do not complain about their lives. The poet feels that animals reflect his true nature and so he’d rather live with them. 

Q27. Unlike Animals, human beings are restless because they are conscious of their own life, thoughts and emotions. In 100-120 words, justify the opinion above with reference to the poem ‘Animals’ by Walt Whitman. 

Ans. Humans are portrayed by the poet as restless creatures. They are aware of themselves and their surroundings and are anxious to change it. They lose sleep over thoughts of their flaws and shortcomings. They are filled with regret and are consumed with concepts like gaining respect and trying to achieve material wealth. This makes them miserable. Animals, on the other hand, are simple creatures who always live in the moment. Their actions are guided by simpler instincts and they do not pass their time in wasteful thoughts and self-reflection. This is why they are always calm and content and live their lives in harmony with nature.

Q28. In the poem ‘Animals’, the poet states that humans are discontented with their lives and have become materialistic. In 100-120 words, explain why humans might have adopted these values and how it affects them. 

Ans. Human beings are manic about owning things and increasing their wealth. They are also constantly restless about their lives and are not satisfied with how much they have. Human beings live in societies where one has to earn his/her living. The more one earns, the more one can own and that makes people greedy. Therefore, human beings have become materialistic because they are always striving for more wealth. They are discontented because, unlike animals, they have the ability to think about their own actions and behaviours. So, they are anxious about the choices they make. They keep thinking about whether or not the choice they’ve made is the best one.

Q29. How does the author establish that the pader is an important part of Goan society ? Support your answer with one example from ‘A Baker from Goa’ in 40-50 words. 

Ans. Bread is an integral part of the Goan society. It is essential to weddings and celebration of festivals like Christmas, in Goa. For instance, a wedding gift in Goa is ‘meaningless’ without the sweet bread bol. Therefore, the baker of the bread, the pader, is important in Goan society. 

Q30. How does the author create a sense of nostalgia in the story ‘A Baker from Goa’ ? Support your answer with one piece of evidence from the story in 40-50 words. 

Ans. The author creates a sense of nostalgia in the story by talking fondly of his childhood in Goa. He recollects his childhood memories of the pader. He revisits the joyous days when they would eagerly await bread bangles and peep into the pader’s basket the slightest opportunity. 

Q31. With reference to ‘A Baker from Goa’, describe any two aspects of Goan lifestyle which show Portuguese influence. In 100-120 words, support each aspect with evidence from the text.

Ans. Portuguese influence finds its way into many aspects of Goan life. In particular, it can be observed in the age-old baking practices and cultural traditions. The narrator mentions that even today, the mixers, moulders, and makers of loaves are carrying forward the Portuguese legacy of bread baking in Goa. They still use the old furnaces and go on rounds with a bamboo, selling their bread. These bakers are still known as ‘pader’ in Goa, which is originally a word used in Portuguese language. The culture around bread also spreads to marriages and other ceremonies. The Goans gift the sweet bread called bol during weddings.

Q32. I do, however, prefer to step aside for wild elephants. What ts the tone of the above line from the text ‘Coorg’ ? What does the author want to
indicate in this line ? State your response in 20-30 words. 

Ans. The tone of this line is humourous. The author is saying that wild elephants can be dangerous.

Q33. Which time of the year would you recommend someone to visit Coorg ? Justify your answer with details from the text ‘Glimpses of India: Coorg’ in 40-50 words. 

Ans. September to March is considered the most pleasant months of Coorg as the weather is cool with light rain. Any time in these months would be recommended to visitors as they can explore Coorg. It rains heavily during the months of monsoon during which time, it is difficult to go outside.

Q34. Which aspects of Coorg does the author explore from a historical perspective ? Describe any two aspects in detail in 40-50 words. 

Ans. The author explores the history of the cultural descent of the Coorgi people, their traditional wear called kuppia and mentions General Cariappa of the army. Regarding the traditional dress kuppia, the author traces its origins to the Arab dress kuffia which looks like a long coat, worn with a belt.

Q35. The text ‘Glimpses of India : Coorg’ is only a factual description of the place and its culture. In 100-120 words, state your opinion on the above statement and justify it with any two points about the author’s writing style and its effects on the reader. 

Ans.  I disagree that Coorg as a text only deals with factual descriptions. While it does give the reader information on the climate, flora, fauna and culture of Coorg, the author’s description also romanticises Coorg. After reading the text, one can imagine what Coorg looks like and could feel like to a visitor. The author makes use of imagery to describe the landscape and climate of Coorg. The reader also feels more connected to the various animals that can be found in Coorg. This could be because the author personifies the animals to describe them. 

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