CBSE Board 10th, 12th Exam 2024

CBSE Board 10th, 12th Exam 2024 : How To Manage Anxiety and Stress in Exam; Check Here

Now there is not much time left for your CBSE Board Exams. In the rush of education, the burden of CBSE Board Exams can be overwhelming, casting a shadow of stress and anxiety on the young minds. However, by adopting simple yet effective approach students can easily deal with this storm of stress. Here are some practical tips that can help reduce the burden and lead to success.

Despite devoting significant time and effort to study, practice and preparation in effective exam preparation, apart from completely revising the syllabus, your CBSE board exam success more or less depends on your ability to execute these efforts seamlessly in the exam hall. Depends on capacity.

Unfortunately, many students find themselves overwhelmed with the fear and anxiety of board exams, which leads to a blank mind on the day of the actual exam. It is important to incorporate additional strategies into your board exam preparation to overcome these challenges and ensure that your hard work pays off.

Effective Strategies for Stress Management for CBSE Board 10th, 12th Exam 2024 Aspirants

Now, let’s dive into the arsenal of tools you can use to deal with exam anxiety and stress:

Determine your Preparation

Check your preparation status, analyze where you are lagging and find out how to improve your preparation. Set realistic goals and modify your strategy. Make a schedule and stick to it. If you stick to your study plan you will feel relaxed and can complete your preparation within the time limit.

Effective Time Management:

Identify the reasons that are hindering you from achieving your goals and focus on them. Practice as much as possible to improve your accuracy and speed. Speed and accuracy are two important factors that can contribute to your CBSE Exam success. This will not only make studies more organized but will also help in avoiding the problem of cramming at the last moment.

Stay Positive

It’s crucial to maintain a positive mindset and have faith in your abilities. Remember the effort you’ve put in and that you’re ready for what’s ahead. If you begin to feel worried, try taking deep breaths and concentrate on the current moment.

Take Breaks

It’s crucial to pause while studying. Stand up and walk around every 20-30 minutes to prevent exhaustion. You can also have a longer break for lunch or to engage in activities you like.

Social Support System

Don’t embark on this journey alone. Surround yourself with a supportive network of friends, family, or mentors. Reach out to your seniors for advice on how to manage time effectively and maintain a consistent schedule. Learn from their experiences. Share your anxieties and celebrate your triumphs. Their encouragement and understanding will lighten the load and provide invaluable perspective.

Mindfulness Matters

In the midst of the chaos of exam preparation, prioritise moments of mindfulness. Practice deep breathing exercises, meditation, or yoga to calm your mind and reduce stress. A clear and focused mind is more receptive to information and better equipped for success.

Past Papers Power

Explore past exam papers. They offer valuable insights into question patterns, frequently tested topics, and examiner expectations. Familiarity with the format can boost your confidence and equip you with strategies for tackling different question types.

Learn from Mistakes

It is rightly said that mistakes are stepping stones to success. Analyse errors in practice tests and understand why they occurred. Learning from mistakes not only corrects your path but also transforms setbacks into opportunities for growth.

Get Enough Sleep

Research shows that rest and relaxation maximizes academic performance, even during exams. It may seem simple, but getting enough sleep is a huge factor in reducing stress levels. It’s recommended that you get at least eight hours of sleep a night, but it’s even better if you can get nine or ten hours of sleep.

It is also important that you relax for at least an hour before sleeping, reading a book, listening to music or meditating. Have trouble sleeping? Check out science-backed tips on how to sleep better from Headspace


Practicing deep and conscious breathing can help relieve stress almost instantly. Whether you’re studying in the library or in an exam room, you can use breathing techniques to help manage your stress levels.

New to mindful breathing? Why not start with the simplest breathing technique – take five deep breaths. Start by counting 1 for a slow inhale through the nose, 2 for a long exhale through the mouth, 3 for an inhale, 4 for an exhale, 5 for an inhale and exhale.

Be Present

If you don’t focus on how you performed you can reduce your stress levels almost immediately after an exam. Rather, be proud of yourself for sitting the exam – it’s no easy feat! If you plan to meet with friends afterward, agree that you will only talk about the test for a short while so you can stay present in the moment, relax, and unwind.

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